CEO Blog: Beyond the Headline

This month’s labour market statistics prove the importance of reading past the headline. As we delve into the data (from ONS), the nuance and the trends, it becomes painfull...

Trustee’s blog: Hitesh Patel

We held our Q1 Board meeting last month which was the first time that trustees had convened in-person since last February. It was great to see everyone after so long, includin...

Kickstart Scheme

We're excited to announce that we're recruiting for 3 Kickstarters and we're supporting businesses with the Kickstart scheme. We have recently launched Kickstart Scheme suppo...

15 Year Anniversary- CEO Blog

Sport 4 Life UK (S4L) sprang to life in my bedroom of my parents’ house in Birmingham in 2006. I can still vividly remember how it all started. Exploring my post-university ...

Trustee’s blog: Pam Wilde

The plan was to hold our Quarter 4 Board meeting in person at the fabulous new Sport 4 Life Custard Factory offices. I was particularly excited about this as I have not yet ha...