School isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pass exams, get a job or find your purpose.

Our mission is to empower young people to reach their potential by providing the skills, qualifications and support needed to find work and shape successful futures.

Get active, build confidence and get the qualifications you need to get a job and earn money.

Sport 4 Life group in the park

We believe in a level playing field where every young person has the opportunity to create a better future for themselves.

Young people walking through Birmingham city centre

How it works

Accredited training and qualificationsOne-to-one mentoringYouth-led social actionFormal mock interviews with corporate partnersEmployability workshopsStructured sports sessions

More than sport

We find that being active is a great way to build confidence and improve both mental and physical health. However, if sport isn’t your thing, don’t worry. Our mentoring and personal development services give every young person, regardless of sports preference, the opportunity to create a better future for themselves.

“Sport 4 Life set the ball rolling for me. I was at the job centre one day, now here I am.”

Ubayda Sharif, aged 21

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