As the leading sport for employment charity in the West Midlands, we’re thrilled to announce that Professor Paul Cadman has been chosen to become our first Business Ambassador.

Read more about Professor Paul Cadman

Video transcript

I think, what I’d like to achieve as a Sport 4 Life Ambassador is to raise the profile of the charity, raise the profile of the amazing work that they do and look at the successes. Considering the charity has been around a relatively small time but the success has been amazing.

I’m Professor Paul Cadman. I’m best known for, probably, networking being that go-to person around the city.

What gets me out of bed in the morning is really charities, giving back, my legacy of what’s going to happen; how I’m going to change the world and how I’m going to remember it as that. I’ve been around a charity since its Inception. There’s a massive need for it, there’s a gap.

Businesses need to reach out and guide people into employment. Over 40% of our kids are below the poverty line. What start in life is that? What chance have they got? It’s an uphill struggle. So, as a Sport 4 Life Ambassador, I’m going to go direct influence businesses to support young people. Let’s get people mobilised, let’s get them fit, and let’s get them into employment.

I think that it’s critically important that people take a chance or open their eyes to opportunities.

When I left school, not many people know this, I had no qualifications at all, really struggled at school, and a couple of organisations, and a number of people took a chance on me, gave me a chance. You know, and guided me to there. I don’t say what I’ve done I’ve got it right, but I’m certainly trajectory, and I think if people hadn’t helped me in the past, I’ve no idea where I would be now.

We guide people, we support people, we can’t do that without your support, without finance; simply profile and finance helps us. But, guide us, help us.

Sport 4 Life are fantastic at what they do; really do support them, really do endorse them and it’s a privilege to be involved with them.

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