Impact Report 2023/2024
We are proud to provide the opportunity for young people (aged 11 to 29) to prepare for and move into sustained education, employment, or training by improving their employability and key life skills, through our sports-themed personal development services.
Our services are designed to bring out the best in young people by providing them with high-quality sessions, mentoring, and guidance.
We are proud to present Sport 4 Life UK’s impact throughout 2023/24, and showcase the journey of 3,453 young people who have been supported to create a better future for themselves.

This is a snapshot of our 2023/2024 impact
young people attended a Sport 4 Life session
% of young people improved their key life skills
young people moved into Employment, Education or Training
young people have been meaningfully supported
66% Male, 33% Female, 1% Transgender
- 70% from ethnically diverse backgrounds
- 4% of engaged young people identified as having a disability
- 45% of young people are affected by learning disabilities
- 33% of young people are affected by mental health disabilities
- 34% of young people affected by ADHD
- 31% of young people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder
2,287 Young people have been meaningfully supported
- 845 received 1 to 1 mentoring support (560 NEET and 285 EET)
- 2,021 attended employability activities (1,036 NEET and 985 EET)
- 1,349 meaningfully supported through Sport sessions (302 NEET and 1,047 EET)
- 1,180 completed NCS
- 502 completed a social action project (36 NEET and 466 EET)
72% of young people improved their life skills
- 476 gained an accredited qualification and completed accredited training
- 273 are still enrolled in mentoring services
- 856 young people significantly* improved their employability skills
What we do
Our sports-themed personal development services are designed to bring out the best in young people by providing them with high-quality sessions, mentoring, and guidance.
Our youth-led delivery model allows young people to sign-up to our service through a range of recruitment pathways including partner referrals, sport engagement sessions and community outreach services. Each young person has a tailored support programme to help move into sustained education, employment, or training.

We’ve delivered over 5000 hours of sport, training and mentoring support
Our 5-year Strategic Action Plan
All that we do is focused on CHANGING the LIVES of young people. This is our North Star and guides everything that we do. This sits central to our priorities for the next year and our 5-year strategic plan.
As the leading West Midlands sport for employment charity, we want to continue to be bold and ambitious. Over the next five years, our strategic priorities are:
- To grow and expand our services
- To drive through transformational improvements in our services
- To be the ‘go to’ youth employment charity for the region
- To be one of the best places to work in the West Midlands
- To make key contributions to our society and community
“Where you start from isn't necessarily where you'll end up”
Casey Bailey, Sport 4 Life UK Ambassador
Charity Ambassadors