Recent shocking events have again highlighted the racism and deep inequalities that exist in global society, and have justifiably sparked waves of protest across continents. Being treated differently on account of race can, tragically and deplorably, be seen to be ‘normal’ when such discrimination is a form of abuse.

Racism has never, and will never, be tolerated at Sport 4 Life UK (S4L). As an organisation proudly serving a diverse community, we stand united with all those taking a stance to create a new normal – a world where people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs can grow up in a better and truly equal society – without fear of being unfairly treated, and being able to realise their full potential in life.

S4L supports young people of all races and backgrounds, and we are extremely proud to work with over 80% BAME beneficiaries each year. Sadly, the BAME community is statistically* more likely to be unemployed, less likely to progress professionally and more likely to receive longer custodial sentences. Through our existing approaches to equality and diversity, through our workforce and trustees, through the demographics of our beneficiaries, and through our use of sport as a vehicle to unite, we are continuing to make progress through our actions and work.

But we can never be complacent. We want to, and need to, do more, and this requires all of us to play our part. We are committed to change, develop and improve. We will therefore:

  • consistently challenge all forms of inequality whenever and wherever we see it;
  • continue to listen to our young people and wider community;
  • empower our young people to enact change by providing them with a voice and a safe platform to express their views;
  • educate ourselves further on the issue of race equality;
  • educate others through our conversations with young people, with our stakeholders and with each other; and
  • endeavour to uphold the highest standards of race equality in our organisational policies and processes.

We see and hear the pain that recent events in the US have brought into sharper focus. Our young people are hurting. We are hurting.

To our BAME community, our message is clear: you matter, you are loved and you are enough.

The young generation we exist to support will be the ones who decide where we go from here and will shape our future.

We are with you.

We stand together.
Tom Clarke-Forrest
Founder & CEO


Hitesh Patel
Chair of Trustees



*The Race Disparity Audit, Joseph Rowntree Foundation