Sian’s Story

At Sport 4 Life UK, the wellbeing of the team is of great importance. This last year has been a challenge; working from home, zoom fatigue and constant unknowns being in and out of lockdown.

At the beginning of 2021, we introduced wellbeing buddies across the whole team. The idea was to be paired up with another member of staff to chat all things wellbeing and to set targets for the month ahead. These targets included things like: reduce scrolling aimlessly on your phone, go out for a walk twice a week, read a book etc.

Each team member found it really useful to have someone to support them, encourage them, and hold them accountable for their own wellbeing.

I set myself targets of moving more and eating healthier with a bit of craft and gardening on the side. In practice, this was to cycle 10k minimum each time I went on the exercise bike, put some seeds in compost and bulbs in the ground and hope for the best.

Three months on, I continue to impress myself at the regular use of the exercise bike. I love how it positively impacts my motivation, concentration and enjoyment of life. I also thoroughly enjoy seeing little sprouts of green pushing through the compost. To date, I have planted at least six different seeds and a selection of bulbs – all of which are now coming up from beneath the dirt; further evidence to suggest that anyone can jus plant a bulb and it will grow!

We don’t know how the coming months will impact us, nor the reality of a life post covid, but I know that Sport 4 Life will continue to ensure each staff member’s wellbeing is of priority.

However, as we come out of this on the other side, I’m thankful that I am surrounded by such an amazing team of people who care and encourage. I would also like to offer any excess vegetables or salad to them because I am slightly concerned I went too extreme when planting the seeds. I’m scared I might soon be overrun with cucumbers and cauliflower!

Read Sian’s Bio